Continue the Startup

“High Tech - High End”

  • You can stick with the idea of a High Tech model home for other Owners, or a special place for people to rent out.

  • 460 Is ready to be remodeled. It comes with porcelain marble tile, bathroom vanities, wood, Insulation, and a ton of tools to either do it yourself as a rewarding and challenging project or get some help and get it finished faster.

    A trailer is provided to give you a place to stay during the remodel if you want to have 451 rented.

  • The empty lots and expanded area on the 460 property (next to a seasonal stream) give the opportunity to build additional mini-cabins, enhance the rental company - or expand your own home(s).

    Rent out to larger parties or to different groups at the same time. The choice is yours!

“Real estate is an imperishable asset, ever increasing in value. It is the most solid security that human ingenuity has devised. It is the basis of all security and about the only indestructible security.”

Russell Sage