“[Real estate] is like Jack and the Beanstalk’s goose that lays golden eggs. It’s something that pays you month after month, whether you are working or not.” - Kathy Fettke

Work, work, work.

  • Do you like your job?

  • Want a new one?

Project Alcove could be exactly that!

Whether you are looking for a fresh start or to expand your growing rental empire. The potential is that buying three properties in a very lucrative area could set you up for near and future success.

Get your hands dirty, remodel 460 yourself, and build some new cabins on the empty lots. That’s the best part about project alcove - you’re able to choose what you want to do next.

Don’t want to work? Get these cabins set up and hit the road. That’s what we were planning on doing. But like winning the lotto, you can choose payment or a lump sum. We choose to explore the unknown, buying properties may not be the most adventurous path - but that doesn’t mean it’s not the right decision for you.

Expand on future business endeavors possible with Project alcove.

  • Bed and Breakfast

  • Airbnb Rental(s)

  • Rental Management - manage the other cabins nearby.

  • Cleaning Business

  • Collabs, sponsorship for brands.

  • Make online versions for products and affiliate marking with rentals.

  • Big Bear is an unexploited gold mine of possibility and is only going to grow.

  • Work Remote!! What better place. Save up enough to quit your job and only focus on the rental. Buy more, expand!


Live & Work

