Sh*tty Shed, Racoon Latrine

Oct 27 2019

In the backyard of 460 were two structures. A game room and a toolshed. The Game room was going to be the perfect place to re-build my studio and the shed was going to become a workshop.

The shed was a mess and we needed to clean it up. We were almost done when I noticed something poking down from the drywall in the ceiling. That looks like poop?

Yes, yes it was. It was only the tip of a very disgusting poop-burg. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that cleaning the racoon-pooped ceiling was the grossest thing i’ve ever done. There was literally 4” of racoon poop piled up in the ceiling. ugh.

Man vs Poop. Man won, bairly!

Come to find out racoons are kinda like cats and like to poop in the same place. They choose the shed.

Shoveled it all out. Vacuumed. Sprayed everything down (many many times) with bleach. The shed was good as new!

This mask was not enough..

That’s better!

His face says it all.

The racoons would end up being really cute and fun visitors and a highlight of living in such a natury place. New baby racoons would soon show up and I would spend some nights outside watching them eat and they seemed to like having their photos taken!


Fire re-Place’d


Moving in