Bye Kitty Kitty Kitty

So this could be something good or bad, or both, depending on who you are. I’m personally an animal lover and who doesn’t love kittens?

There were feral cats living in the neighborhood that just had kittens when we moved in. Erick is allergic so that means no kittens for Derek, at least in the house…

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That’s fine, cause the racoons are even cooler and no litter box! Well, leaving the cat food out for the racoons attracted the feral cats, and those adorable kittens. They made for great camera testing models but anyone who has fed wild cats before - it’s bound to become an issue. I could write a novel about the freaking cats. From catching and getting them spayed and neutered, to them breaking in the cabin when we were away and using my bean bag as their personal pillow... It’s a love and hate relationship! Lets just say that I am now solidly a dog person.

I wouldn’t advise anyone feeding the wild cats unless you want more, many, many more! I haven’t fed them in a long time and am actively keeping them away from the properties.

There are coyotes in the area so if you have a cat - keep it inside. If you don’t like cats, there are these motion detecting deterrents, or water balloons seem to be the most effective at keeping them at bay without hurting them.

I got some great shots/ footage of them though. Enjoy?


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