Tile Floor Out

Jan 24 2020

The old school salmon colored floor tile went with the original theme of the cabin, but it had to go to make room for the future.

It was pretty tedious, messy, and took a few days but didn’t seem as difficult as removing the fireplace. Again, I would have rented a power tool and it would have been a LOT easier.

After the tile came out it revealed what is likely the original wood flooring. The hardwood in the bathroom area was different than the living room. There was just plywood where the kitchen was.

We eventually bought white marble looking tile that could be used to replace the flooring in 460, 451, or either bathroom. I would use the new tile in the bathrooms and 451 (sans the bedrooms) and either keep the original wood flooring in 460, or replace it with a newer wood flooring.


New Fridge


Bathroom Demo