Jacuzzi Cut Out


I have always loved Jacuzzi’s, so why did we cut up and take this one out? Well, we only used it once, the night we moved in. After that we never turned it back on, supposedly because of the energy bill? I think we just forgot.

We didn’t even want to destroy it - just move it out of the way. The problem was we couldn’t figure out how to get it out from under the awning that seems to have been built up around it. We even called the local jacuzzi place to see if they wanted it, for free, three times, but they said they were coming, and then didn’t - so we gave up and just cut it up instead.

Not one of the better decision we made. I wish we would have found a way to move it out of the way and then re-install it later on. The jacuzzi in 451 is one of my favorite things to do!



Started Studio


Started Taking Deck out